Creative Writing for Beginners
The course is run entirely online: there are no live lectures or tutorials, or set times to log in, meaning you have the flexibility to study wherever and whenever best suits you.
Next Start Date 22nd January 2018
Delivery Online
Tutors Barbara Henderson and Guy Mankowski
Duration 10 weeks – 5-10 hours per week
Price £499 – You can make a payment in full, or in two monthly instalments
Future Course Dates 2018 12th March, 7th May
Weekly Activities
A professionally prepared series of weekly activities will guide you through essential topics including Character, Plot, Point of View, Description, Dialogue, Voice and Setting.
Inspiring Content
Written content from established Penguin Random House Editors and informative videos featuring accomplished authors, including Robert Goddard, will provide you with expert knowledge.
Experienced Tutors
During the course, a qualified Tutor will provide you with guidance, support and individual feedback and will be available to answer any questions that you may have as you progress.
Weekly Overview
Week 1: Character
Learn about and experiment with character development.
Week 2: Plot
Explore how Character and Plot are inextricably linked, and how a character’s actions and reactions drive a story.
Week 3: Point of view
Who is telling your story has a crucial effect on the reader’s experience of it. Experiment with writing in the first person or the third person, or from one character’s point of view or that of several characters.
Week 4: Description
Reflect on how to present the world of your story and its inhabitants in an exciting and emotionally rich manner.
Week 5: Character Revisited
Revisit the relationships between your characters and how they interact with each other. These interactions allow you to further develop your characters, and thus allow the reader to learn more about them.
Week 6: Dialogue
Learn the principles of writing plausible yet engaging dialogue.
Week 7: Voice
Explore how to give your narrators lively, compelling and diverse voices.
Week 8: Setting
Master how to present a dynamic world within which the characters interact and struggle.
Week 9: Beginnings
Discover how to start a novel, and what should be revealed, hinted at or withheld.
Week 10: Extended Assignment
Put what you have learnt so far into practice by writing an extended piece of fiction.
Course Features
The Perfect Introduction
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the techniques involved in the process of creative writing, equipping you with the skills required to begin writing your own fiction.
Expert Insights
Get exclusive access to insider writing tips and invaluable industry knowledge from bestselling authors, such as Audrey Niffenegger and Chuck Palahniuk.
Exclusive Content
Engage with subject experts by accessing weekly editor’s content, author videos and much more, to discover how professional writers and editors tackle typical writing problems.
Q&A Sessions
Pose questions to selected authors and editors and discover how they approach topics such as Description, Dialogue and Setting.
Weekly Podcast
Listen to weekly podcast introductions outlining all aspects of creative writing from author Henry Sutton.
Exclusive Discounts
All our writers receive an exclusive 40% discount on all Penguin Random House books, plus 25% off all ProWritingAid Premium licenses.